Motor Point Acupuncture
Motor Point Acupuncture
This is an acupuncture technique that originated from China. It is the same type as intramuscular stimulation technique(IMS), which specifically targets short, contracted muscles, which are the most excitable areas. This type of acupuncture treatment is ideal for chronic tight muscles, sports injuries, musculoskeletal pain, and other disorders. It is also used to help in injury prevention.
Motor point acupuncture helps to reset the most excitable contracted muscles to loosen them up so they can return to their normal function and reduce inflammation. Having an imbalance or tight muscles is a result of overuse, which is often overlooked, and in the long run, it causes pain and dysfunction. This technique is combined with other types of therapies to attain more effective results.
Motor Points
This is an area where we can find the most excitable muscles or a point in our skin where there is muscle contraction. Based on research, this is a cutaneous point, having the lowest resistance to electrical conductivity.
How it is Done?
A licensed acupuncturist will be inserting the needle near a motor nerve for chronic tight muscles. As the needle is inserted in the motor points or entry point, you may find it painless, and it will result in an involuntary twitch. At the point of insertion, the needle will be stimulated with a little amount of electric current to stimulate the muscle to move or twitch as it loosens up. For ideal results, this is combined with other types of techniques, such as traditional acupuncture or electro-acupuncture.
Motor point acupuncture can be an exciting way to treat musculoskeletal issues. It has the power to help the body recover from pain quickly and give relief. It also motivates the muscles to function properly, and in this way, the range of motion is also increased. This can be a healing therapy for illnesses.
Conditions Treated by Motor Point Acupuncture
This type of acupuncture technique can best help the following conditions: chronic muscle pain, sports injuries, musculoskeletal pain, and other muscle dysfunction. It is also used for injury prevention.
In order to know if your condition can be treated by motor point acupuncture, a thorough assessment is needed to be done by the acupuncturist.
Benefits of Motor Point Acupuncture
Motor point acupuncture is proved as a healing therapy for joint and muscle dysfunction. Here are the following benefits laid by the motor point acupuncture:
It reduces the pain with quick therapy.
It is a direct method to stimulate specific muscles.
It gives relaxation to the muscles.
It lessens the tension between muscles.
It reduces inflammation.
It can help the muscle and joints to return to their normal function.